The Reality of Separation

Splitting the Spoils After Separation

Whenever a relationship fails, it can be a difficult time for both partners. They have worked hard to build a life with each other, and they must now rummage through every part of their life to divide up the items they brought with them in the relationship along with the items they have acquired while together. Each of them will have favourite pieces they want, but the trouble begins when both of them want to keep the same things. Splitting the spoils of their relationship can take a heavy toll on even the most fair-minded of couples, and they might require assistance to help them get it done.

Moving room by room

Couples who split up often decide that one of them will move out and the other will continue to reside in the home they have been sharing. They will then have to choose what stays or goes, and it can be even more difficult if they have been fighting over pieces of property. It could be best if they simply go about it in an organized manner, so moving room by room might help. As they make their decisions, they can box up small items or carry larger items out to the moving van. Clearing each room before moving to the next might not be possible, but they can at least separate the majority of items.

A bone of contention

There are usually a few items that both partners want to retain, and any one of them can become a bone of contention between the pair. Piling all the items of their disagreement together or at least listing them in one place might help them make a rational decision, but they might need help from a neutral third party. It is not always easy to make good decisions at this time in a relationship, but a third party has no emotional ties to cloud the issues.

Dividing the money

The majority of couples do tend to combine their income to pay for necessities, and many of them have joint investments or savings. Dividing the money can be relatively easy unless one partner believes they should get more than half of the couple’s liquid assets. Legal assistance could be required to help them, but many couples will simply divide the money between them without issues because there is not much worth fighting over. If there are children from the relationship, the custodial parent will often get the bulk of the money to help them support the child.

When a couple splits, it is often a time when they both feel defeated by life. Some of them might have difficulty splitting the items they acquired during their relationship, but others might find it the easiest part of their break up. There are always neutral third parties available to help them, so they do not necessarily need to make all the decisions on their own. For those who want to take away nothing from a relationship, the biggest fight can be when their former partner insists they take at least something with them.